Ceyhan OSGB organizes and updates the risk analysis as specified in the occupational health and safety risk assessment regulation.



Near miss incident: Occurring in the workplace; An event that does not cause harm, although it has the potential to damage the employee, workplace or work equipment,

Risk: The possibility of loss, injury or other harmful result resulting from the hazard,

Risk assessment: Necessary work to be done in order to identify the hazards that exist in the workplace or that may come from outside, the factors that cause these hazards to turn into risks, and the analysis and grading of the risks arising from the hazards, and to decide on control measures,

Hazard: It refers to the potential for harm or damage that exists in the workplace or may come from outside, which may affect the employee or the workplace.

Employer liability

1) Employer; It carries out a risk assessment in terms of occupational health and safety with the aim of ensuring, maintaining and improving the health and safety of the working environment and employees.

2) The risk assessment has been carried out; does not remove the employer’s obligation to ensure occupational health and safety in the workplace.

3) The employer provides all kinds of information and documents they need regarding the risk assessment to the person or persons assigned in the risk assessment studies.

Risk assessment team

1) The risk assessment is carried out by a team formed by the employer. The risk assessment team consists of:

  1. a) Employer or employer’s representative.
  2. b) Occupational safety specialists and occupational physicians who carry out health and safety services in the workplace.
  3. c) Employee representatives in the workplace.
  4. ç) Support staff in the workplace.
  5. d) Workers who are determined to represent all units in the workplace and are knowledgeable about the work carried out in the workplace, current or potential sources of danger and risks.

2) The employer may receive services from people and organizations outside the workplace to support this team when needed.

3) The coordination of risk assessment studies can also be provided by the employer or a person assigned by the employer from within the team.

4) The employer shall meet all the necessary needs such as tools, equipment, space and time for the person or persons assigned in the risk assessment studies to fulfill their duties, and cannot restrict their rights and authorities due to the performance of their duties.

5) The person or persons assigned to risk assessment studies protect and keep confidential the information and documents provided by the employer.

Risk assessment

1) Risk assessment; For all workplaces, starting from the design or establishment phase, identification of hazards, identifying and analyzing risks, deciding on risk control measures, documentation, updating the work done and, when necessary, renewal are followed.

2) While the risk assessment study of the employees is carried out, it is ensured that their opinions are taken by participating in the process at every needed stage.

Identification of hazards

1) While defining the hazards, at least the following information is collected according to its relevance to the working environment, employees and workplace.

  1. a) Workplace building and annexes.
  2. b) Activities carried out in the workplace and work and work
  3. c) Production processes and techniques.
  4. d) Work equipment.
  5. d) Substances used.
  6. e) Work related to waste and waste
  7. f) Organization and hierarchical structure, duties, authorities and responsibilities.
  8. g) Experience and dreams of the employees
  9. ğ) Work permit documents to be obtained in accordance with the relevant legislation before starting work.
  10. h) Employe es’ education, age, gender and similar characteristics and health surveillance records.

ı) The situation of women employees and groups requiring special policies such as young, old, disabled, pregnant or breastfeeding employees.

  1. i) Inspection results of the workplace.
  2. j) Occupational disease records.
  3. k) Work accident records.
  4. l) Records of events that occurred in the workplace, but did not cause injury or death, but led to damage to the workplace or work equipment.
  5. m) Near-miss event records.
  6. n) Material safety data sheets.
  7. o) Ambient and personal exposure level measurement results.

ö) Previous risk assessment studies, if any.

  1. p) Contingency plans.
  2. r) Documents that need to be prepared in certain workplaces, such as health and safety plan and explosion protection document

2) While collecting information on hazards, occupational accidents and occupational diseases that occur in similar workplaces that produce with the same production, methods and techniques can also be evaluated.

3) In the light of the collected information; Taking into account the provisions in the legislation on occupational health and safety, the hazards that may arise from physical, chemical, biological, psychosocial, ergonomic and similar sources of danger in the working environment or that may arise as a result of their interaction are determined and recorded. While making this determination, the following issues will be affected by these issue sand how they might be affected.

  1. a) Hazards that may arise due to the location of the business.
  2. b) Hazards that may arise from not placing workplace buildings and annexes in accordance with the plan or making additions that are not in the plan in the selected area.
  3. c) The construction and construction style of the workplace buildings and their annexes and the hazards that may arise from the selected building materials.

ç) Hazards that may arise from factors such as working methods, shift order, teamwork, organization, supervision system, hierarchical order, visitors or other persons who are not employees of the workplace, during all kinds of activities to be carried out in the workplace, including maintenance and repair  works.

  1. d) Dangers that may arise from the conduct of the work, production techniques, materials used, machinery and equipment, tools and equipment, and their not being designed or used in accordance with the physical characteristics of the employees.
  2. e) Hazards that may arise from components of electrical installations such as strong current, lighting, lightning rod, grounding, heating, ventilation, protection from atmospheric and environmental conditions, drainage, treatment, fire prevention and fighting equipment, and similar auxiliary installations and equipment.
  3. f) Hazards that may arise from the processing, use, transportation, storage or destruction of substances that are likely to burn, ignite or explode in the workplace.
  4. g) The dangers that may arise from the hygiene conditions of the working environment and the personal hygiene habits of the employees.

ğ) Hazards that may arise from the use of transportation routes within the workplace by the employee.

  1. h) The dangers that may arise from not receiving adequate training, not being informed about the occupational health and safety of the employees, not giving appropriate instructions to the employees or working without this permission in cases where the work permit procedure is required.

(4) To be used in risk assessment studies, if no control, measurement, examination and research work has been done in the workplace regarding the dangers caused by physical, chemical, biological, psychosocial, ergonomic and similar sources of danger in the working environment; All necessary controls, measurements, examinations and researches are carried out in order to determine the quality and quantity of these hazards and the level of exposure of employees to them.

Identification and analysis of risks

1) Considering each of the identified hazards separately, it is determined how often the risks that may arise from these hazards may occur, and who, what, how and in what severity may be harmed by these risks. While making this determination, the effect of existing control measures is also taken into account.

2) Risks determined in the light of the information and data collected; It is analyzed by using one or more of the methods selected on the basis of factors such as the characteristics of the operation of the enterprise, the characteristics of the hazards or risks in the workplace and the limitations of the workplace, or by using one or more of the methods selected on the basis of national or international standards.

3) If there are departments in the workplace where different works are carried out, the points in the first and second paragraphs are repeated for each department.

4) If the analysis is made for separate sections, it is handled and concluded as a whole, taking into account the interactions of the sections.

5) Analyzed risks are listed and written down in order to decide on control measures, starting with the one with the highest risk level according to the magnitude and importance of their effects.

Risk control steps

1) The following steps are applied in the control of risks.

  1. a) Planning: A planning is made in order to control the risks that are analyzed and ranked according to the magnitude and importance of their effects.
  2. b) Deciding on risk control measures: The following steps are applied in order to completely eliminate the risk, and if this is not possible, to reduce the risk to an acceptable level.

1) Elimination of danger or sources of danger.

2) Replacing the dangerous with the non-hazardous or the less dangerous.

3) Dealing with risks at the source.

  1. c) Implementation of risk control measures: Plans are prepared containing information about the work and process steps of the agreed measures, the person or the workplace section, the responsible person or the workplace section, the start and end dates, and similar information. These plans are put into practice by the employer.

ç) Monitoring the implementations: The implementation steps of the prepared plans are monitored and audited regularly, and the necessary corrective and preventive actions are completed by identifying the deficiencies.

2) While applying risk control steps, it is ensured that collective protection measures are given priority over personal protection measures and that the measures to be implemented do not cause new risks.

3) After the implementation of the control measures for the identified risk, the risk level is determined again. If the new level is above the acceptable risk level, the steps in this article are repeated.


1) The risk assessment should include at least the following: is ante.

  1. a) The title, address of the workplace and the name of the employer.
  2. b) Names and titles of the performers, and the document information of those who are occupational safety specialists and workplace physicians, given by the Ministry.
  3. c) The date on which it was carried out and its validity date.

ç) If the risk assessment is made separately for different departments in the workplace, the name of each.

  1. d) Identified sources of danger and hazards.
  2. e) Identified risks.
  3. f) The method or method used in risk analysis
  4. g) Analysis results including the importance and priority of the identified risks.

ğ) Corrective and preventive control measures, the dates of their implementation and the risk level determined afterwards.

2) By numbering the pages of the risk assessment document; Each page is initialed and the last page is signed by the performers and stored in the workplace.

3) The risk assessment document can be prepared and archived in electronic and similar environments.

Renewal of risk assessment

1) The risk assessment that has been made; It is renewed at the latest every two, four and six years, respectively, in very dangerous, dangerous and less dangerous workplaces according to the hazard class.

2) The risk assessment is renewed in whole or in part, considering that the new risks that may arise in the following situations affect the whole or a part of the workplace.

  1. a) Moving the workplace or making changes in the buildings.
  2. b) Changes in the technology, materials and equipment used in the workplace.
  3. c) Changes in the production method.

ç) Occurrence of work accident, occupational disease or near miss.

  1. d) There is a legislative change regarding the limit values ​​of the working environment.
  2. e) Necessary opinion according to the results of working environment measurement and health surveillance
  3. f) The emergence of a new danger originating from outside the workplace that may affect the workplace.

Risk assessment in workplaces where a major accident prevention policy document or safety report is required.

1) In workplaces where a major accident prevention policy document or safety report is prepared; The risks evaluated in these documents and reports are used by taking into account the risk assessment to be made in accordance with this Regulation.

Risk assessment studies in case of multiple employers

1) In case more than one employer shares the same work area, a separate risk assessment is carried out for the works carried out, taking into account the works carried out by other employers. Employers carry out risk assessment studies in coordination and inform each other and employee representatives about the identified risks.

2) In places such as business centers, office buildings, industrial zones or estates where there is more than one workplace, the coordination of the risk assessment studies carried out separately at the workplaces is carried out by the management. Administration; In the execution of this coordination, it warns the relevant employers to take the necessary measures regarding the dangers that may affect the other workplaces in terms of occupational health and safety in the workplaces. Employers who do not comply with these warnings notify the Ministry.

Risk assessment in workplaces where the principal employer and sub-employer relationship exist

1) If there is one or more subcontractors in a workplace:

  1. a) Each subcontractor carries out the necessary risk assessment studies in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation regarding the works they carry out.
  2. b) The information and documents required by the subcontractors regarding the risk assessment studies of the main employer regarding the areas of responsibility are provided by the main employer.
  3. c) The principal employer supervises the risk assessment studies carried out by the subcontractors and coordinates the studies on this subject.

2) Subcontractors give a copy of the risk assessment they have prepared to the main employer. The principal employer; by integrating these risk assessment studies with its own work, it monitors and audits whether risk control measures are implemented and ensures that nonconformities are eliminated.

Informing the employees

1) Workers, employee representatives and employees coming from other workplaces and their employers; are informed about the health and safety risks that may be encountered in the workplace and the corrective and preventive measures.

Risk assessment guidelines

1) Risk assessment guides can be prepared to assist or guide employers in terms of their risk assessment obligations. Considering the number of employees in the workplace and the hazard class of the workplace; may be specific to the industry, profession or occupation.

2) Public institutions and organizations, professional organizations in the nature of public institutions, worker-employer and civil servant unions, and non-governmental organizations working for the public benefit can carry out guide studies in the sector in which they operate. Drafts approved by the Ministry in terms of their compliance with the provisions of this Regulation, are given by the Ministry to the sector, profession or works.

The specific risk assessment is published as practice guidelines.